B.G. Liu, N. Kovachki, Z.Li, K. Azizzadenesheli, A. Anandkumar, A.Stuart, and K. Bhatacharya. A learning-based multiscale method and its application to inelastic impact problems. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids.
Raj, R.V., Liu, B.G., Peerlings, R.H.J. and Deshpande, V.S. Influence of microstructure on the failure of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene composite beams impacted by blunt projectiles. Mechanics of Materials.
B.G. Liu, X. Sun, M. Ortiz and K. Bhattacharya, Hierarchical multiscale quantification of material uncertainty. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids.
N. Kovachki, B.G. Liu, X. Sun, H. Zhou, K. Bhattacharya, M. Ortiz and A. Stuart, Multiscale modeling of materials: Computing, data science, uncertainty and goal-oriented optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.05918.
N. Kovachki, Z. Li, B.G. Liu, K. Azizzadenesheli, K. Bhattacharya, A. Stuart and A. Anandkumar. Neural operator: Learning maps between function spaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.08481.
X. Sun, B.G. Liu, K. Bhattacharya. and M. Ortiz, Concurrent goal-oriented materials-by-design. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.06074.
Z.Li, N. Kovachki, K. Azizzadenesheli, B.G.Liu, K. Bhattacharya, A. Stuart and A. Anandkumar, Fourier Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations, International Conference on Learning Representations (2021).
Z.Li, N. Kovachki, K. Azizzadenesheli, B.G.Liu, K. Bhattacharya, A. Stuart and A. Anandkumar, 2021. Markov Neural Operators for Learning Chaotic Systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.06898.
L.J.Kecskes, N.M. Krywopusk, Y. Hollenweger, J.N. Krynicki, S.E. Prameela, P. Yi, B.G. Liu, M.L. Falk, D. Kochmann and T.P. Weihs, 2021. Recrystallization mechanisms, grain refinement, and texture evolution during ECAE processing of Mg and its alloys. Mechanics of Materials, p.104067.
S.E. Prameela, S.E., P.Yi , Y. Hollenweger, B.G. Liu, J. Chen, L. Kecskes, D.M. Kochmann, M. Falk and T.P. Weihs, 2021. Strengthening magnesium by design: integrating alloying and dynamic processing. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.05354.
W. Tan, B.G.Liu, A physically-based constitutive model for the shear-dominated response and strain rate effect of Carbon Fibre Reinforced composites, Composites Part B: Engineering (2020): 108032
R.N. Yogeshvaran, B.G. Liu, F. Farukh and K. Kandan Out-of-plane compression response of additively manufactured cross-ply composites, Journal of Mechanics 36(2) (2020): 197-211.
Z.Li, N. Kovachki, K. Azizzadenesheli, B.G.Liu, K. Bhattacharya, A. Stuart and A. Anandkumar, Multipole graph neural operator for parametric partial differential equations, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2020).
Z.Li, N. Kovachki, K. Azizzadenesheli, B.G.Liu, K. Bhattacharya, A. Stuart and A. Anandkumar, Neural operator: Graph kernel network for partial differential equations, ICLR workshop on Integration of Deep Neural Models and Differential Equations (2020).
B.G. Liu, K. Kandan, H.N.G. Wadley and V.S. Deshpande. Deep penetration of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene composites by a sharp tipped punch, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 123 (2019): 80-102
B.G. Liu., H. N. G. Wadley, and V. S. Deshpande. "Failure mechanism maps for ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibre composite beams impacted by blunt projectiles." International Journal of Solids and Structures 178 (2019): 180-198.
B.G. Liu, K. Kandan and V.S. Deshpande. High strain rate compressive response of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene composites, International Journal of Plasticity 122 (2019): 115-134.
J. Pikul, S. Ozerinc, B.G. Liu, R.Zhang, V.S. Deshpande, P.V. Braun and William P. King. High strength metallic wood from nickel inverse opal materials. Scientific reports 9(1) 2019: 719.