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Burigede Liu

Data-driven mechanics research group


Our interest lies in developing and utilizing data-driven computational frameworks to characterize, understand, model and control multi-scale material systems and their associated uncertainties. To this end, we seek to address two grand challenges:

  • In an (increasingly) data-rich world, how should we use data to drive material development and structural design? 
  • In complex material/structural systems, how would features in micro-scales affect the system level/macroscopic performance (i.e., Material by design perspective) and how would uncertainties propagate through each scale? 

To this end, we strive to utilize and combine rigorous mathematics, high-performance computing and phyiscal/engineering insights in our study. The main focus of our current work includes: 

  • Data-driven multi-scale modeling
  • Uncertainty Quantification of solid materials 
  • Mechanics of composites and meta-materials